Monday 19 May 2008

Making Gold with Brilliant Glass

In Patch 2.4.2 we saw a whole host of new additions to World of Warcraft, the most important for Jewelcrafters was that of Brilliant Glass. Brilliant Glass is a technique which consumes 3 of each of several Common Gems that can be found by Prospecting or Cheaply off the Auction House.

Brilliant Glass is basically converting these common gems into a superior quality gem, for the most part you will get blues, but every so often you will receive an Epic Quality Gem. These Epic Gems can go from anything from 400g to 1000g depending on your server.

The Brilliant Glass skill is limited to once a day, but should be used every day! You can make a lot of gold with this technique, you will be missing out on making a huge amount of money with this very quick very simple spell if you are not careful!

This is a time when Jewelcrafting will finally bring in some fantastic amounts of gold, dont mis out!

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