Monday 17 March 2008

WoW 1-70 Levelling Guide in Less than Seven Days!

Its not often that I feel compelled to promote a particular product. My affiliate links are Amazon based, none biased and pretty much just a virtual store so people can help support my site by purchasing what they want.

However on this occasion I was sent a copy of Team iDemise's 1-70 Levelling Guide. For those of you who do not know this, Team iDemise or one of the worlds few corporate sponsered Gaming Teams. With multiple cash prize winnings and titles under their belts in everything from Counterstrike Source to Quake, these guys finaly took it upon themselves to try a different game. Namely World of Warcraft.

Idemise have not just cobbeld together an ebook for their guide, they have made sure everything is integrated into WoW with their very own addon.

This addon has step by step instructions and locations pinpointed so you know exactly where to go and what to do. More importantly by following this guide you will know what to avoid and what you should be killing!

If you want to find out more about this ingame levelling guide jsut look Here!

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